Skills & Job Bank

Skills & Job Bank connects job-seekers with employers looking for skilled workers.

Business Directory

Business Directory will help you to advertise your business to companies and government agencies looking to contract local First Nations-owned businesses.

Capacity Development Tool

Capacity Development tool will help you decide which education or training opportunities are most suitable for you.

Business Viability Tool

Business Viability Tool will help you decide which industry may be most suitable for your business to flourish in your First Nation and the region.

Community Asset Maps

Community Asset Mapping Tool, will help you to take a strength-based approach to planning.

Group Purchasing Tool

Group Purchasing Tool allows you to determine how much money your First Nation could save across different areas by entering into a group purchasing agreement.

Strengthening our member First Nations

The SFNS Regional Economic Leakage Study is about strengthening the regional First Nations economy by identifying and addressing areas of high spending outside of SFNS member First Nations