SFNS Economic Toolkit (SET)
Established in 1995, the Ontario First Nations Technical Services Corporation (OFNTSC) is a First Nation mandated technical service organization with the mission to help First Nations communities achieve technical self-reliance. The corporation provides technical advisory services to the 133 First Nations in Ontario in the eight core areas:
Additionally, OFNTSC operates the following projects and initiatives: Circuit Rider Training Program, Asset Management, and Technical Career Youth Outreach to inform First Nations youth about the career opportunities available in the STEM fields.
The OFNTSC works closely and collaboratively with Indigenous Services Canada, the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, Health Canada, Environment Canada, Public Services and Procurement Services Canada, Employment and Social Development Canada, Natural Resources Canada, Ontario’s Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change, Ministry of Natural Resources and Ministry of Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation. Furthermore, the OFNTSC pursues strategic alliances with other First Nations organizations, provincial and municipal governments, professional associations and the private sector. With their head office located in Hagersville, Ontario (Mississauga of the Credit First Nation), the organization has three additional offices in Brantford, Atikameksheng (Sudbury) and Thunder Bay, Ontario. To learn more about OFNTSC, please visit: www.ofntsc.org.
The Board is committed to ensuring its membership is both representative of the First Nations that OFNTSC serves and diverse in skills and perspectives. The Board is encouraging applications from citizens of First Nations in both Northern Ontario (i.e. citizens of Treaty 3 nations, Nishnawbe Aski Nation, Robinson Superior Treaty nations, other Treaty 9 nations, etc.) and Southern Ontario (i.e. Anishinabek Nation, members of the Association of Iroquois and Allied Indians, Robinson Huron Treaty nations, Algonquin’s of Ontario, unaffiliated First Nations, and Large First Nations as defined by OFNTSC). First Nations women and men are encouraged to apply to offer a proper balance of genders on the Board. The OFNTSC Board meets a least four times per year, and Members are expected to serve on at least one committee. Board Members receive an honorarium for meetings, and the costs of travel are reimbursed.
Governance Structure and Reform
In 2016, OFNTSC began the process of governance reforms to better position the corporation to serve the technical and engineering needs of their clients (First Nations and Tribal Councils in Ontario). Some of the governance reforms implemented include:
• Transitioning from a representative to a competency-based Board and establishing a director nomination process based on competencies, skills and various diversity criteria, including gender;
• Ensuring governance incorporates First Nation values and knowledge systems;
• Instituting Leadership and Technical Advisory Committees to strengthen connections with First Nations and improve organizational effectiveness; and
• Establishing Board Committees for Audit and Risk, Governance and Nominating, Human Resources and;
• Compensation, and Technology matters to ensure best governance and oversight practices are in place.
To learn more about OFNTSC’s governance and ongoing reforms, please visit:www.ofntsc.org.
Time Committment:
The Board of Directors meets two – four (2-4) times per year. These meetings also include the four committees of the Board as to which the Board Chair will assign the successful applicant to. (Note: Board members typically sit on two Board committees.). Committee meetings typically last two hours and Board meetings consist of 4-7 hours of time per meeting.
Currently OFNTSC has 12 Board Member positions in total. The organization is presently seeking candidates who are interested in joining the Board and can commit to a 1 to 3-year staggered term with the possibility of renewal. Preference will be given to citizens of a First Nation in Ontario. Applicants that are not citizens of a First Nation in Ontario must be widely recognized as experts in their field.
Applicants that have some of the following competencies, skills, and experience are invited to apply:
• Expertise in water and wastewater
• Expertise in First Nation infrastructure maintenance/construction/asset management
• Expertise in environmental science/ management
• Expertise working with First Nations political leaders
• Expertise and demonstrated success working and negotiating with Federal and Ontario government decision-makers
• Expertise working for and in First Nation communities (i.e. Council and First Nation employees)
• Executive level experience in research and developing technology
• Experience overseeing strategic First Nations initiatives
• Board Governance Experience
• Financial oversight expertise (preference to relevant AFOA Canada certifications and CPA)
• Information and Information Technology expertise
• Knowledge of legal and fiduciary duties of directors is essential
• Training and experience as a corporate director is preferred
CLOSING DATE: November 14, 2023 at 12:00PM EST
Please mark clearly the upload as “Board Director” and upload your cover letter and resume with the attachment labelled as [LASTNAME_FIRSTNAME_BOARD_DIRECTOR_2023]
Please email your application to [email protected]
We thank all applicants, however only those receiving an interview will be contacted.