SFNS Economic Toolkit (SET)
SFNS Affiliation: Aamjiwnaang First Nation
The Public Works staff are responsible for the regular maintenance around our First Nation. This includes: - Lawn care /Winter Control for all Band Operations, Qualified Seniors and Disable - Ground preparation for our Annual Pow Wow - Preparation for Solidarity Day Festivities - Cemetery Preparation/Funerals - Traditional Events and Sponsored Programs - Water/ Sewer Maintenance - Pet services (Dog Catcher and Straw for Outdoor Pets) - Road Maintenance (Potholes, Signs and Catch basins) - Ball Diamond Maintenance - Garbage and Re-Cycling Depot - Beaver Dam Removal and Maintenance - Riverbank Maintenance - Tree Trimming and Removal
369 Plain Lane
Sarnia, Ontario
N7T 7H5