SFNS Economic Toolkit (SET)
SFNS Affiliation: Chippewas of Kettle & Stony Point First Nation
Four Winds Community Employment Services (Formerly Employment Service Access) is committed to providing the highest quality of service to all Ontario residents. We provide various resources, information and services to all – we invite you to access the following free services provided by our friendly and knowledgeable staff: SERVICES FOR CLIENTS: - Use of computers, internet, telephone and fax, printers, scanner, photocopier - Job boards, binder and newspapers - Assistance with resumes, cover letters & interview skills - Information on education/training opportunities including apprenticeships and the Ontario Self-Employment Program - Assistance with Second Career, including the application process - Assistance with referrals to programs, services and resources offered in and around the community SERVICES FOR EMPLOYERS: - Information and support to meet your staffing / human resource needs - Financial incentives - Free job posting services - Job matching services - Mentoring & coaching services through referrals to community partners - Monitoring of placements to support success & retention - Support for developing on-the-job training plans - Job trials / Volunteers
9111 W Ipperwash Rd
Lambton Shores, Ontario
N0N 1J3